Some people, ironically even those who profess to be Christians, are turned off when science is
associated with Christianity; they cannot see what Christianity has to do with science. As soon as
they hear the word, immediately what comes to mind is the physical sciences: physics,
chemistry, and Biology. However, Christian Science is not dealing with physical science but rather
spiritual science-the Science of Spirit, Almighty God.
It was Paul who said that the natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit because
they are foolishness to him; but that God had given unto us His Spirit that we may receive the
things that are freely given unto us. The things of the Spirit are what we call the Science of being
in Christian Science and they are spiritually discerned.
God is not partial. There are laws we must obey to understand Him. These laws are spiritual
not material. The teachings of Jesus Christ are laws governing spiritual living; they are laws of
right thinking and acting and they demonstrate peace, harmony, health, and all good. The Bible
teaches that no good thing would be withheld from those who follow after righteousness. This
then is the Science of Christianity.
In my next blog I will expound on these laws for, in order to work out our salvation, it is essential
that we understand God and our relationship to Him.
Cited Sources:
The Bible: 2 Cor 2:14; Ex 20: 1-17; Ps 119:1-176; Jn 7:15-17
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: p.507:26
Chapter 10. The Science of Being