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  • Stafford Wilson

What Is Our Responsibility In Science?

What Is Our Responsibility In Science?

Simply to awake! It is just that simple. People, we are made in the image and likeness of God; we are fearfully and wonderfully made .God’s work is marvelous . He has endowed us out of His own perfection and power. Oh, Praise the Lord!

Paul tells us in Ephesians chapter 5: 14 : Awake ,thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light. And in Psalms 17:15 , it says : As for me ,I will behold thy face (likeness) in righteousness : I will be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. The Christ is the divine manifestation of God ever with us, God’s gift to all of us to guide us into demonstrating this likeness, this perfect state of being where we know ourselves even as we are known of God.

The key is to know ourselves right now as God knows us . This we accept by faith despite the evidence to the contrary. Thus we follow Jesus in the way not looking at the things that are seen. but at the things that are not seen. (11 Cor 4:18)

We must stop believing that man is a mortal sinner, deny sin and plead God’s allness. By following Jesus’s example ,we know the truth about ourself and others and put sin , the lie, behind us. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God every moment , night and day.



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